

Empowering Others and Partnerships

Did you know that Recreational Respite has been offering hands-on training and workshops for staff in various not for profit community organizations around the world #Kuwait #Canada #Australia: https://recrespite.com/about-us/our-story/? The skilled staff receiving the training ranges from personal support workers (PSW), respite workers, volunteers and family caregivers themselves. The focus is on the importance of

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National Respite Conference, Sydney Australia

Recreational Respite’s Founder and CEO Amy MacFarlane was in  Sydney Australiain September 2015 to be the international speaker at their National Respite Conference: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=06015219da81a67440b3c0b54&id=2215cbcb23&e=13c5d5dc4c When she was there she also interviewed with Community West, Perth Australia about how many are partnering to collaborate service while minimizing dollars and maximizing support. Listen here: http://communitywest.podbean.com/e/canadian-recreational-respite-organisation-shares-their-positive-experience-with-technology-amy-macfarlane/ A strong passion for

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Children’s Treatment Network (CTN) and Recreational Respite

We are pleased to announce that we are now an affiliate partner of theChildren’s Treatment Network! The network provides comprehensive, coordinated care and services to kids with complex physical, developmental and communications needs in the York and Simcoe region. We will be able to offer therapeutic recreation one to one for short or long term

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Group Programs are Blooming!

Even though there is snow on the ground in some parts of Ontario, we remain optimistic that Spring is around the corner! Recreational Respite has been working on a number of therapeutic recreation group programs in various regions of Ontario, to encourage participation and inclusion for Children, Youth, Adults and Older Adults. Have a look

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Prescription: PLAY!

Play! It changes behavior, enhances our mental, physical, social, emotion and overall psychological well being. It’s the very essence of feeling ‘alive’, active, healthy and FUN! It’s also a great way to build brain cells, develop neural pathways and prevent or delay various mental health concerns. I love this gentleman’s passion, energy and advocacy for

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CTV News: Alternative Therapies for Mental Health

A good look at how psycho social/emotional support through a variety of alternative therapies: community participation, meaningful and purposeful activity can help overall mental well being.  Recreation Therapy is about identifying an individuals potential based on their abilities strengths and interests and how to successfully integrate or involve that individual for the best quality of life:    

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