
National Respite Conference, Sydney Australia

Recreational Respite’s Founder and CEO Amy MacFarlane was in  Sydney Australiain September 2015 to be the international speaker at their National Respite Conference: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=06015219da81a67440b3c0b54&id=2215cbcb23&e=13c5d5dc4c

When she was there she also interviewed with Community West, Perth Australia about how many are partnering to collaborate service while minimizing dollars and maximizing support.
Listen here: http://communitywest.podbean.com/e/canadian-recreational-respite-organisation-shares-their-positive-experience-with-technology-amy-macfarlane/

A strong passion for community and caregiver empowerment drives our Founder Amy MacFarlane to speak and engage audiences in various interactive ways. In December 2014, Amy traveled to Kuwait City to teach and train staff and volunteers the tools and techniques of therapeutic recreation; goal setting through recreation and leisure at an adult day centre Markaz 21 for those 21yrs+ with various special needs. Amy continues to build empowering and engaging lectures, teachings and workshops that assist professionals and caregivers to maximize their support and minimize their dollars for care. This September, she is excited to announce she is going abroad again to Sydney Australia to be their international speaker at the National Respite Conference. Her focus will be to speak about the caregiver and respite space in Canada: challenges and successes.
‪#‎rrabroad‬ ‪#‎respite‬ ‪#‎caregivers‬ ‪#‎advocacy‬