diverse group of young adults around a computer

Service Coordination Support (SCS)

November 2022

Recreational Respite was asked to participate (again!) in the SCS’s (Service Coordination Support’s) virtual Coming Together conference, 2022.

This year’s theme was Employment, and Recreational Respite developed a unique game of CLUE, customized to this theme. The activity developed, CLUE: Career Discovery Edition, is an interactive play on the popular board game. Participants were introduced to three different characters: Morgan, Riley, and Jessie; each character would give the group a virtual tour of their home introducing themselves along the way. Participants used their Detective Notes cards to collect clues about each character and collaborated with their peers to identify different key points (personality traits, skills, values, etc.). At the end of each round, participants were asked to discuss all information collected about the character and determine the ideal career field for them.

A truly unique and engaging event to help youth identify career interests!