March, 2022
Recreational Respite proudly partnered with Youth Culture Inc. to deliver FREE Skills Development and Career Discovery virtual workshops to anyone ages 15 – 30. The workshops ran every Monday and Tuesday during the month of March 2022 and covered a variety of topics:
Career Discovery
Setting up for Success
Workplace Readiness Skills
Building Your Resume
Interviewing Skills
Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Making Decisions
Professional Boundaries & Barriers
Participants expressed that before this program series, they had challenges with confidence, self-esteem, communication, how to approach people, organization, time management, etc. In this program, our recreation therapists we were able to address these concerns and challenges in group but also offered individualized attention, post program session to work with each individual, to overcome and sustain the new tools learned and developed. We are so grateful to have been a part of this awesome program!