two hands together, painted in various colors.

Caregiver Counselling Series (Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias)

February 2022

As we experience various COVID-19 lockdowns across Canada, we wanted our customers to know that we care about their families! It’s been a pleasure (and we are so grateful) to have been chosen by them to take part in their lives during this challenging time. Our commitment to caregiver support is deeply rooted in everything we do, including the services and programs we develop. RecRespite offered a FREE 4 week caregiver counselling series, built entirely for those in caregiving roles.

Week 1: How Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias impact the caregiver role
Week 2: Self Care – the myths and realities
Week 3: The Change Process
Week 4: Next Steps

For more information about our counsellor for this series, please visit:
Christine Janev, MA, Registered Psychotherapist, RSW

a woman with dark brown hair, on a boat, with blue skies in behind, she is smiling at the camera