For more information or to sign up your team/group, please email us at
Fostering a culture of participation has been at the core of what we do in both our one to one supports and group programs, since 2008. Building capacity through collaborative work has been extensive at Recreational Respite with community partnerships across the globe that promote recreation, connectivity, inclusion, and social health. These collaborations have created a unique interdependence that moves away from the myth that we rely on only one source to provide meaningful relationships between the people we support and the services we offer. This multi-strategic approach broadens impact, builds, and strengthens a unique team culture, elevates sustainability, creates consistency, and produces measurable outcomes.
Here are some suggestions and targeted groups.
- Caregivers (family caregivers)
- Volunteers
- Students
- Other professionals (personal support workers, respite workers etc.)
This workshop strives to identify several fundamentals of recreation programs and its capacities and is a suggested start to any of our other workshops.
- Deliver sustainable, inclusive recreation programs
- Identify gaps in program services
- Create opportunities to implement recreation in a variety of capacities
- Develop programs that encourage cross cultural skills and celebrates diversity
- Promote positive interactions among participants
- Build a culture of participation
- Reduce isolation, promote social health and connectivity
Workshop Topics (but not limited to)
The areas we explore will offer concepts of why recreation plays such a large role in the services or supports that the participants offer to others, in their everyday roles. It provokes thought around the opportunities to create bigger spaces for recreation and play, as part of a holistic care approach.
- Exploring disabilities, mental health, vulnerable and marginalized groups
- Recreation: to explore, to participate, to engage and to PLAY!
- Benefits of recreation, engagement social health and connectivity
- Barriers to recreation
- Celebrating cultural diversity in programming
- Tools for engagement
Participant cost is $200 per workshop (2 hours). Train the trainer rates, additional.
Includes takeaways, tools, and templates
Development Statement
Our workshop(s) have been created with intentions to collectively build capacity and share knowledge of recreation, based on the extensive work of our recreation professional team since 2008. Our workshop committee includes a recreation development specialist who is registered as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) under the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification. The contributions of the CTRS guide the workshop(s) structured topics and outcomes that will highlight the importance of a person-centered approach to recreation programming, in various capacities.
For more information or to sign up your team/group: